Trapshooting is a game of movement, action and split-second timing.
High Power Rifle
CLASSIFICATION: NRA Classification will be used. RIFLES: Service Rifle (M1 Garand, M-14/M1A, M-16/AR-15) or NRA Match Rifle. (Any rifle. .35 caliber or less capable of loading 5 rounds.)
Trapshooting is a game of movement, action and split-second timing.
Black Powder Muzzleloaders
The third Sunday of each month, muzzleloader enthusiasts from the region get together at the TRPC muzzleloader range (range number A2) to shoot muzzleloaders, discuss various aspects of black powder shooting and help each other with any particular issues with maintaining, handling and shooting these guns. Shooting is informal and open to all interested parties. […]
Trapshooting is a game of movement, action and split-second timing.